"Worlds in the Making" series showcases a utopian vision of humanity and nature. The emotionally charged photographs involve local populations, blending fiction and reality while fostering social interaction.
"Worlds in the Making" captures the world through his poet's eye and transforms every situation he encounters into a magical and utopian vision that celebrates the beauty of man and nature.
Nicolas Henry pays attention to personal anecdotes, dreams, collective wrath, daily difficulties, or transformational initiatives, weaving a universe around a story he has been told, and proposes his resolution in crafted form.
The photographs are immediately accessible, charged with emotion, optimism, and commitment, and interpretable at many different levels. He involves the local population in the creative process, using materials gleaned and salvaged from here and there, and tying, knotting, nailing, and fastening them together.
When shooting, his team's hands are an extension of his thought processes, and everything becomes essential to building the object. The scene starts to take shape, and passers-by stop, congregate, and ponder, looking on as the first act of the play unfolds. The whole event creates a social event during which everyone interacts, and the inhabitants discover snippets of their own personal story in a giant contraption, assembled somewhere between fiction and reality.